WP Fastest Cache


WP Fastest Cache

At the point when a page is rendered, php and mysql are utilized. Accordingly, framework needs RAM and CPU.

On the off chance that numerous guests go to a site, framework utilizes bunches of RAM and CPU so page is rendered so gradually. Right now, need a reserve framework not to render page over and over. Reserve framework creates a static html record and spares. Different clients reach to static html page.

Likewise, the site speed is utilized in Google’s inquiry positioning calculation so store modules that can improve your page load time will likewise improve your SEO positioning.

Arrangement of this module is so natural. You don’t have to adjust the .htacces record. It will be changed naturally.

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In the top notch form there are numerous highlights, for example, Minify Html, Minify Css, Enable Gzip Compression, Leverage program reserving, Combine CSS, Combine JS, Disable Emoji.

  1. Generating static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog
  2. Minify Html – You can decrease the size of page
  3. Minify Css – You can decrease the size of css files
  4. Enable Gzip Compression – Reduce the size of files sent from your server to increase the speed to which they are transferred to the browser
  5. Leverage browser caching – Reduce page load times for repeat visitors
  6. Combine CSS – Reduce number of HTTP round-trips by combining multiple CSS resources into one
  7. Combine JS
  8. Disable Emoji – You can remove the emoji inline css and wp-emoji-release.min.js


  1. Mod_Rewrite which is the quickest strategy is utilized right now/
  2. All reserve documents are erased when a post or page is published
  3. Admin can erase all reserved documents from the choices page
  4. Admin can erase minified css and js records from the alternatives page
  5. Block store for explicit page or post with Short Code
  6. Cache Timeout – All reserved records are erased at the determinated time
  7. Cache Timeout for explicit pages
  8. Enable/Disable reserve choice for versatile devices
  9. Enable/Disable reserve choice for signed in users
  10. SSL support
  11. CDN support
  12. Cloudflare support
  13. Preload Cache – Create the reserve of all the site automatically
  14. Exclude pages and client agents


The free form is sufficient to accelerate your webpage yet in the superior variant there are additional highlights, for example, Mobile Cache, Widget Cache, Minify HTML Plus, Minify CSS Plus, Minify JS, Combine JS Plus, Defer Javascript, Optimize Images, Convert WebP, Database Cleanup, Google Fonts Async, Lazy Load for overly quick burden times.