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Why Is WordPress Security Important
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Why WordPress Security Is Important

Security is a very important issue for both WordPress site owners or users. For many marketing sites or any business site in particular, vulnerabilities are like a nightmare, if we may say so. If users’ information is stolen or their passwords are seized by any hacker because of the vulnerabilities within their website, it will tarnish the image of the site owners. In an even worse scenario, you may have to hire an expert to get your website back, in case you lose controll of access to your website .
Plugins - Security

Popular WordPress WP Security Audit Log Plugin

WP Security Audit Log is the most exhaustive constant client action and observing log module. It helps a huge number of WordPress managers and security experts watch out for what’s going on their sites. It is likewise the most profoundly evaluated WordPress movement log module and have been included on famous destinations, for example, GoDaddy, ManageWP, Pagely, Shout Me Loud and WPKube.