
WordPress Information

To install this theme you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. If you need help installing WordPress, follow the instructions in WordPress Codex. Below are some useful links for WordPress information.

Theme Requirement

You need to make sure that your web host has the minimum WordPress requirements to run our themes-based websites. We suggest you to contact to your hosting provider to set your server php setttings as described below before you import the demo data:

  1. WordPress ( at least ) 5.0+
  2. PHP version 7.2 and above
  3. PHP time limit should be set to 300
  4. Upload max filesize should be set to 512M to run all plugins without issues.
  5. PHP post max size should be set to 512M
  6. Max input time should be set to -1

Theme Installation

When you purchase this theme on ThemeForest, you’ll see two different files included into the purchase package. The first file includes theme file, documentation, changelog, demodata xml file. The second one is the archieve with the theme itself. This file is that you need to install.

Installation via WordPress

Step 1: Navigate to Appearance > Themes in your WordPress panel.

Step 2: Click Add New and then press the Upload Theme button.

Step 3: Find the archive on your computer and click Install Now button.

Step 4: After the installation, the theme must appear at Appearance > Themes page, where you can activate it

Installation via FTP

Step 1: Connect to your hosting via FTP software

Step 2: Unzip the archive on your computer

Step 3: Upload the extracted theme folder into wp-content/themes in your WordPress installation

Installation of Demodata - Plugins - Child Theme

Installing a demodata has never been so easier than ever. We’ve integrated merlin wizard demo installer into all of our WordPress themes, which makes you able to install all the theme required plugins, child theme and demodata so easly. To show you how easy it is, we took a short video using our Techland WordPress theme. The following video is just an example and it’s the same in all of our available WordPress theme.

How To Update Theme

1. Update via Envato Market

You can update your theme with the use of Envato Market plugin, which is free. This plugin is already included into all of our available WordPress themes. You may watch the following video to see how to update your theme via Envato Market.

2. Update via FTP Client

  1. Log into your ThemeForest account and get the last version of the theme as described above.
  2. Connect to your server using desktop client software (we recommend Filezilla and CyberDuck).
  3. Change directory to /wp-content/themes.
  4. Remove/rename existing folder with old theme files.
  5. Unpack theme installable files downloaded from ThemeForest and upload them to the themes folder.


InMotion Hosting

Envato Market

Envato Placeit

Installation FAQs

Please make sure your server has WordPress requirements that we explaind here. If you have a lower server php settings than it should be, the demodata may not be installed successfuly.

You’re most probably trying to upload the theme package. Make sure to upload the file with the file only. You may check this link for furher details.